Introduction Last updated: 2022-05-01

To claim CEP/PU Confirm Lecturer's Allocation name ,Hours , Subject/Unit Code, Subject/Unit Title are correct on Campuscura.




Departmental tools

Click on Departmental tools then Departmental Claims

Select Department

Select Class

Select class .
You can combine classes in a single claim

Add votehead

Enter Amount You Want to Claim

step 1.6.1

step 1.6.2

step 1.6.3



You Can claim more than one class in a single departmental claim by combining class by repeating step :

step 1.6.1

step 1.6.2

And when you are done add :

step 1.6.3

Add HOD and staff

Add Lecturers

Set TAX and Hourly rates for Lecturers

Print Claims